Frugal Fashion Hacks 2019 - Male Fashion Advice

Frugal Fashion Advice for 2019

So I'm not a cheap guy but just like you. I hate it when I overspend when I go buy something and then find the same product the same service somewhere else but cheaper. Drives me nuts.

In today's article frugal fashion x 10 tips to level up your style without spending much money. Tip number one. Ask for the discount gentlemen ask ask ask. If you don't ask it you're not going to receive it. At Walgreens, the other day with my wife we get a prescription filled one hundred and fifty bucks. We're shocked. Normally that's thirty-five dollars.

By US States Fashion We mentioned this we ask if they have any discounts boom down to thirty-five dollars magically because we asked. Whenever I go to a hotel whenever I'm traveling river I'm buying something. Do you have a veteran discount? I've got my veteran idea. Guess what. Oftentimes I get a discount with that Will. Do you accept cash guys?

There are cash discounts on all types of discounts out there. The key gentlemen are to ask for them. The next step to level up your style without spending much money is to ask for free clothing. Seriously ask your friends ask your family put it out there on Facebook let people know that you're upping your style and you would appreciate that you know anyone that is looking to get rid of old suits maybe some shoes that they never wear.

Maybe a nice leather jacket yes this jacket right here. Aaron Marino my good friend who simply said Hey I love this jacket. It doesn't fit me. It's too big. Would you like to take this off my hands? I'm like sure it's a fifteen hundred dollar jacket. Two thousand dollar custom suits. I've heard of these things being given for free.

When people ask someone else frugal fashion hack buy from a brand buy from a company that's relatively new or isn't a household name when you buy from established brands once they've been around for a long time.

Yeah. There is a lot of trusts there but oftentimes they've got very high margins. And what you're getting the product is not exactly equal to the price. Now a lot of up and coming brands they realize OK we need to get in at a great price. So we're going to sacrifice margins we're going to do something different to be able to offer an amazing product at a very fair price.

My leather right here. The paid sponsor of today's article I think does that perfectly. When I examined their leather bags. OK. We've got why to take a well-working zippers. We're talking full grain leather a full grain leather bag.

Can last a lifetime. This bag right here just approximately about one hundred and fifty bucks. Yes. One hundred and fifty dollars for this. Now all of their bags are made over in India.

Every bag that is ordered they actually make right then and there. So they've got pretty much no inventory. And what that allows them to do is to run a very lean operation within I think it's less like five to six days. They're going to have your bags shipped out to you. And by the way, you can get customization done on these notes we've got our MRSA right here every my back.

So the 30 days 100 percent money back guarantee they've got great customer service and go to their website. Look at the hundreds and hundreds of reviews what people are saying about this company. I'm going to Mahi leather down in the description of this article with the best discount code you're going to find out there.

So use it or lose it if you would like this bag right here for this bag right here. I had them make some extras. I need to know the exact style of how you're going to bring this bag into your wardrobe. Be specific about the bag type.

So now you visited the website and I'm going to choose a couple of you guys here in the next week but go check him out guys again link it to him down in description. Awesome company. Very affordable bags great quality for what you pay for. My next frugal fashion hack learns to love thrift stores.

So many great deals especially when you go to the right thrift store you go to one in the higher end part of town. Yeah. Where those rich guys are throwing out all their clothing. Because guess what you just found a pair of churches. These are five hundred dollar shoes. Oh, they fit you well. You can even get them rebuilt because they actually use a good year well. Boom.

Huge win right there. Maybe you find a pair. Allen Edmonds again so you got to know these brands you find a pair of Chinese but if you know what you're looking for you know some of the branch you're able to identify something amazing. You can walk out having spent just a couple bucks with a pair of boots a pair of shoes worth hundreds of dollars.

So these next two frugal fashion hacks I'm bringing them together by timeless and by interchangeable. So when you buy timeless clothing you're thinking OK this is something that is classic.

This is something that is not going to go out of style in the next few years because even if you save money you buy something really cheap but it's a fashion piece all of a sudden you're going to find I can't wear this in a year you wasted a lot of money when you didn't get many wares but you buy something as classic something that's timeless.

You may even spend more money on it but when you buy something that is going to work for you five years from now 10 years from now you are going to be able to get a lot of wares out of it. Next up let's talk about the interchangeable wardrobe. This is the idea when you buy items that they all will work together.

So I've talked about this many times but a very simple concept where you buy three pairs of shoes you buy three shirts you buy three trousers you buy three jackets 12 pieces of clothing how many different combinations do you think. It's not a total of 12. It is three times three times three times three. We're talking 80 one outfits.

When you buy interchangeable you get a lot of wear out of it. And the most expensive things you're going to own are the items you don't wear. So piggy backing off that last point gentlemen keep your receipts and return items that you do not wear items you do not use. You go out there you find that great deal. It was 70 percent off yet it's sitting in your closet.

Well, return it before that return policy gives up 30 90 whatever damn many days it is. And if you miss that return policy don't give up. Simply take it in. Talk to the store manager saying Can I get in-store credit.

You do not want to be sitting on clothing as much as I say clothing is an investment. It's not something that you put into a safe and it's going to improve in value over time unless it elicits a watch. Maybe that someone my next frugal fashion hack has a hit list.

You want to have a list of items that you need to build up your core wardrobe versus wandering into a sale for an item you actually don't need. OK. You just spent money on something that actually isn't on your hit list. Again if it's on your hit list and you've planned out and you know that this is going to work with your core interchangeable wardrobe of classic item notes I keep using those words guys it's a good purchase and it's going to save you money over time.

So when next frugal fashion hack. Get a job in retail. Even if it's part time you get the discounts you get all the deals. You know what's going on you're going to learn a lot. That right there can transform your entire style and you can make money doing it or OK. A little bit too much. Then become friends with the people at these stores at the thrift store at the box store at the best menswear store. Get to know their names. Treat them with respect.

Guess what. They're going to start putting aside clothing that they think you're going to absolutely love and is your size. And they wanted to make sure that you got first dibs on they're going to call you when that sales pop it up.

Basically, you've got other people looking out for you. All of this because you decided to go deeper into retail. Now, this article is just the tip of the iceberg for my tips on how to save money when you're out there building your interchangeable wardrobe. You want to work.

Go check out this article right here. I give a lot of Ninja techniques areas that you eat when you're shopping online when you're shopping in the store. How you can save some big bucks when you're out there simply trying to build that wardrobe. Don't forget. Go check out my leather. I'm linking to him down in the description.

And if you let me know you have the bags I showed you earlier in the article I'm not going to show it to you now. You can have to rewind go check it out. But let me know those bags. And if you would like one of them how you're going to match it with the current items in your wardrobe how you're going to look great how they are going to level up your star and why you want those bags.

You've got to be specific about the bag. No. The bag style the color. These are beautiful bags and they are at an affordable price. Guys, it's an amazing deal. That's it, guys. Take care. I will see you in the next article.

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