Best Fashion Tricks All Men Should Know - Fashion Advice

Latest Fashion Advice for Men

Fashion Advice

Hellow WHAT'S UP GUYS. IT'S A BOY hoses and you get it for today. Well, we're going to be going over some of the best styling tips that I've personally know. Personally no and I want to give to you. Call this my Hanukkah Christmas Kwanzaa gift to you because this is the best of the best that in my personal opinion are the best styling tips a mannequin implements that will like that make them look like a stylish bro even if they just started into mint style. If that's interesting.


Let's hop into number one match the same color of your shoes to your trouser. Now you do this on purpose because what this does is it pretty much in Long Beach your leg or gives you the illusion of a long-dated leg longer than what it really is which gives you the effect on your body overall that you're tall. And this is because when you add that hard contrast it's very hard in the eyes and it creates an interruption.

It breaks the vertical line abruptly which shortens your legs overall. Number two how to stretch your shoes in the freezer.
white sneakers
If you've ever worn let's say brand new white leather sneakers or new loafers or new dress shoes or new boots that are too tight you know how uncomfortable and painful they are not to mention that they end up leading to ingrown toenails because your toes are cramping up so to make your shoes more comfortable and stretch them out a bit all you want to do is you grab a Ziploc bag you fill it up midway with water then you put that bag inside the shoe and then put that shoe in the freezer water when it freezes it expands.


That effect will stretch out your leather and make it more comfortable when it's your first year. The third styling tip that I will always give you wears an uncommon element. Now notice what I said on common. It doesn't have to be bold. It doesn't have to be obnoxious or over the top. That's it's going to be annoying and can end up messing with your style.

Instead you want to wear something that not everybody else wears. Maybe they're not confident enough or they don't know how to wear. For me, that's always a wash. And that because goes out to the mall or to your school or to a place where it's public and look at a man's risk.

I can guarantee you about 80 to 90 percent of men still don't wear watches, therefore, wearing a beautiful watch that's uncommon. And if it's a sexy one like from our sponsor movement watch it actually makes you look more stylish and that's the point. You want something that's functional. It tells time but also that it makes you look good that it makes your style look good.

You don't have to be boobs you Europe noxious about it you don't have to spend thousands of dollars on a watch. You just want to stay apart from the crowd from the rest of guys that don't know how to pull off a watch or have never even thought about it. That's why for me that uncommon element is always a watch. Not only do I love watches in general and do I collect them but I love the feeling of knowing that I have something that's most don't and that catches people's eyes.


It catches their attention and that attention to detail. Women love that. But here's the great news. Like I said you don't have to spend thousands of dollars or hundreds of dollars on a good watch if you want a great watch. It just looks good and tells you the time. Get us to our movement watches. See the cool thing with movement watches is that they have a mass selection of watches. If you've never checked them out they're going to be linked below.

But these guys they're legit a movement. They've sold millions of watches across the globe. Millions of men have own movement watches and that's for a reason. These things are amazing. They're super stylish and they're constantly releasing new styles and new designs which keeps things fresh.

But the great part is they're affordable since it's a fashion watch. You don't have to worry about paying crazy premiums and paying three four five hundred or even a thousand dollars for this watch and instead you can buy a great looking watch for around 100 bucks that will just propel your style to the next level. But like always there's a tip you need to try it for yourself.

I could tell you all along that you need to wear a watch. But if you don't do it you won't know the benefits of it. So go to movie watches there's going to be a link down below. There's also going to be a special discount so you can even get him more affordable. Pick one up and start wearing it. See what it does to your style. Do you feel better? Do you feel more confident? If you do you're good to go. You can pick up moisture building a collection.

So if you guys want to check out movement watches like I said click that link below. The fourth tip is how to make your cheap clothes actually look expensive. And I built the simple formula when I follow this all my clothing no matter how cheap it always looked good. And I can prove it to you. The formula you want dark. Fitted minimalistic.

Let me explain. When you go with minimal items without all the bells and whistles and glitter it looks classy it looks confiscated instead of cheap and tacky when you go dark you always look sleek.

Black T-Shirt

You always are classy. So if there's a certain item that you want a sweater or a T-shirt and there's a navy a black or some sort of dark color always go for that one and finally get it tailored. And if it's right you'll fall and you follow this formula. And I promise a guarantee on my life it's going to work. And I can prove it.

I made an exact fit look as good as something I bought from Hugo Boss that cost me ten times as much. And all because I followed Forbes number five breaking in a leather jacket seat leather jackets can be sexy. They look amazing and they make you look like a bad boy.

leather jackets

By US States Fashion But when they're brand new they're super stiff uncomfortable and when they're that hard they actually don't look that good. They start looking good when you break them and they loosen up and it kind of gets its own character but to avoid the one plus year process of braking and braking and faster where you want to do is wear your jacket when it's lightly raining outside or lightly spray it with water then just move your arms around and move all the round as the water dries.

According to US States Fashion, this is going to loosen up the leather and help break it in faster. When you do it consistently. Number Six if you ever want to dress up look makes it look more expensive or more sophisticated just tuck in your shirt. And this works with anything whether you're wearing a polo whether you're wearing a T-shirt whether you're wearing a dress shirt or a turtle next sweat whatever it is.

If you want to elevate your level of class in seconds just tuck in your shirt and fighting number seven. Always have a balance on your outfit. For example the loose clothing. If you're gonna wear the loose clothing trend don't pair loose clothing with loose clothing. They're going to look baggy and messy. Instead, create balance. If you want to wear a loose sweater on top.

Wear some fitted jeans on the bottom. This gives your body a little bit more proportion as opposed to you looking like you're wearing clothes that was just handed down to you and it doesn't even fit. And that's basically for today's media guys.

I hope you enjoyed it if you did. Don't forget to drop us like down below. Also, don't forget to check out our sponsor movement watches. 

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