May's appeal falls flat as EU catches control of Brexit date

In the event that May's arrangement isn't passed by Commons, at that point Brexit will be deferred just until 12 April

US States World

By US States World The EU has given Theresa May two weeks’ grace to devise an option Brexit plan if her deal falls next week after the prime minister failed to convince the bloc that she was capable of avoiding a no-bargain Brexit.

Following a marathon late-night session of talks, the EU’s chiefs ripped up May’s proposals and a new Brexit timeline was pushed on the prime minister to avoid the cliff-edge due date of 29 March – next Friday.

Under the arrangement agreed by May, Britain will currently remain a member state until 12 April if the withdrawal agreement is rejected by MPs at the third time of asking.

The legislature will almost certainly look for a more extended augmentation amid that period on the off chance that it can both "show a route forward" and consent to hold European decisions. 

In the unlikely event that May does win the help of the Commons when the Brexit bargain goes to MPs again on Tuesday, the UK will remain a part state until 22 May to enable necessary withdrawal legislation to be passed.

Donald Tusk the European chamber president, told reporters in a late-night press conference that he had several meetings through the evening to secure May’s deal.

He stated: What this implies in practice is that, until that date all choices will  stay open and the cliff-edge date will be postponed. The United Kingdom govt will have a option of a arrangement, no-agreement a long extension or disavowing article 50.”

Asked how long an extent could be on offer, the European commission president Jean-Claude Juncker said: “Until the end.”

The French president Emmanuel Macron told columnists as he left the summit that the EU had acted to ensure its interests in response to a “vacuum” in Westminster US States World Understand.

According to US States World “The EU in an extremely clear manner has today responded to a British political emergency,” he said. “The British government officials are unable to put in place what their people have demanded. Their kin voted in favor of Brexit.”

May had been asking for an extension to article 50 until 30 June set aside a few minutes for vital legislation to pass should she manage to get her arrangement through the Commons next week.

Be that as it may “dismally” failed to offer any answers with respect to what she would do if the arrangement was blocked by MPs again, sources stated, provoking EU leaders into bringing matters into their own hands and in effect taking control of her future.

“She didn’t even give clarity if she is sorting out a vote,” said one assistant to a leader. “Asked three times what she would do in the event that she lost the vote, she couldn’t state. It was terrible. Terrifying. Evasive even by her accounts.”

At the point When leaders asked May what she was going to do if her arrangement was voted down, an authority included that the prime minister replied that she was following her plan A of getting it through. It was then that the EU concluded that “she didn’t have a plan so they expected to come up with one for her”, the source included.

With May out of the room EU leaders deferred their arrangements to discuss relations with China and launched into a marathon late-night session in Brussels.

By US States World As their discussions wound on the EU moved towards the “flextension” delay. It was then put to May by Tusk soon after 11pm Brussels time after eight hours of talks, with and without the leader.

“What this model is intended for is to make it clarify that no deal is not the EU’s decision it is the UK’s choice,” a discretionary source said. “the PM is braced for a long extension but doesn’t want to take responsibility for it, the source said.

The EU had initially looked at exclusively offering an augmentation up until 22 May, the day before European elections would be held, on the condition May’s arrangement passed next week.

But it was a lack of confidence in the prime minister following her latest performance in front of the leaders that forced the EU’s member states to act to shore up facing a no-deal Brexit and permit the British parliament time to take control.

France and Belgium had at first pushed for an unequivocal augmentation up to the 7 May on the eve of the French Fête de la Victoire bank occasion to give a buffer to the economic shock of a no-agreement Brexit. The EU is also staging a summit in the Romanian city of Sibiu on 9 May to debate the post-Brexit future of the coalition.

Macron told the room that he didn't need the chaos of a no-deal Brexit to erupt before the French went to the polls for their European elections on 26 May.

EU sources said Macron’s trump card had set off the leaders to work round the issue recently. “The European council worked admirably – and it is an elegant solution,” a source stated.

head administrator said the EU's choice left MPs with a clear choice: either they back her arrangement next week and leave smoothly on 22 May; or the government will have to return to Brussels with an elective plan – either no arrangement or some unspecified option  in a fortnight’s time.

May did not rehash the guarantee she made in the House of Commons on Wednesday that “as leader”, she would not countenance a longer extension, requiring the UK to take an interest in European elections.

Many MPs interpreted that announcement as a clue that she would step down rather than allow a longer delay. However on Thursday night she simply stressed: “I believe strongly that it would be wrong to ask people in the UK to partake in these elections three years after voting to leave the EU.”

MPs, including many of those whom the Tory whips were planning to win over, had responded angrily on Thursday to May’s claims that they were blocking the people’s will.

A cross-party group of MPs is presently thinking about how best to enable parliament to force May towards a softer Brexit or no Brexit at all. A new amendment has been laid for debate on Monday by Tory MP Sir Oliver Letwin and Labour MP Hilary Benn that would give parliament the chance to vote on ways forward.

In Westminster a few MPs challenged the leader of the house, Andrea Leadsom about the leader's tone.

On Thursday night businesses and exchanges associations combined to encourage her to change course. In an uncommon joint letter, the TUC’s general secretary Frances O’Grady and the CBI’s Carolyn Fairbairn portrayed the situation as a “national crisis” and called on the prime minister look for a plan B.

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